Senin, 29 September 2014

it's my birthday..

Tapi hari ini berbeda dari 2 tahun kebelakang. Entah apa yang terjadi. sehingga tak ada tanda - tanda ucapan yang aku tunggu dari seseorang yang selalu di fikiranku. Maybe this is one of the foolish attitude. Hal ini cukup membuatku gak karuan, namun aku tetap berusaha happy, cause this is my day. Mungkin dia tidak ingat atau tidak mau mengingat semua yang berhubungan dengan ku. yaaa aku. Semua memang tidak jelas dan mungkin tidak penting.

Jumat, 12 September 2014

Malass, entah kenapa ini rasa muncul terus ke permukaan kolam. nahh sekarang kan gak lagi di kolam ya. :( saya gak bisa lepas dari rasa malas yang tak berkesudahan ini. sekeras apapun saya berusaha buat buang rasa ini jauh jauh, tapi malah muncul lagi menghasut saya untuk tetap duduk manis tanpa berbuat apa apa. Aduhh bagaiman ini..... 
saya udah berusaha buat buang rasa ini agar hidup jadi lebih baik dan jadi lebih bisa ngerasain sebuah perjuangan.

Persiapan ukt, persiapan buat menghadapi skripsi yang kayaknya bakalan ribet, persiapan uts untuk tanggal 29 nanti, dan banyak hal lainya yang harus di lakuin. Semuanya itu gak lepas dari kegiatan belajar dan belajar. Iyaa belajar. Saya kok malas banget ya buat belajar.
ohh Tuhan help me, buang rasa malas ini jauh juah Tuhan. pleaseeeeee..

Senin, 08 September 2014

"Take Me With You"


Please Forgive me if I seem forward,
But I've never been in front of anything like you,
It's the last place I ever thought I'd be when I woke up this morning,
Is it true that you are always this breathtaking?,
And you're smart and you're willing,
And my god this is killing me,

Tell me all the things you never said,
We can lie here and talk for hours in my bed,
I don't have anything to hide,
I don't have anything everything is not for certain,
I don't have anything to hide,
I don't have anything everything is not for certain,

You started to see right through me,
And I'm loving every minute of it,
It's like I'm born again every time I breathe in so,
If you're curious my favorite color's blue,
And I like to sing in the shower,
If you like I'll sing to you,

Tell me all the things you never said,
We can lie here and talk for hours in my bed,
I don't have anything to hide,
I don't have anything everything is not for certain,
I don't have anything to hide,
I don't have anything everything is not for certain,

Tell me all of your hopes,
All of your dreams,
I want you to take me there (take me there),
Tell me all of your hopes,
All of your dreams,
I want to take you there (take you there),
Tell me everything,
Every breath,
I want you to know I'll be there (know I'll be there),
There's just one more thing,
One request,
I want you to take me with you,

Take me with you,
I will never let you down,
I will love you now and forever (now and forever),
[Repeat 5x]